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Showing all 99 results

These days, Thai toothpastes from Thailand have become very popular among consumers and connoisseurs of natural products.

Many of our customers agree on one  thing : the  best toothpaste is exactly the toothpaste from Thailand. The composition of Thai pastes contains only natural ingredients from herbal extracts and any of the pastes is a  medicinal toothpaste . The peculiarity of Thai pastes is that in terms of their composition they have no analogues among European toothpastes.

Thai toothpaste  comes in a tube and round package. The toothpaste in the tube is more hygienic and has a longer shelf life. Round Thai toothpaste is  more convenient for its compactness. It takes up little space and is more convenient to take on trips. The round paste is truly Thai toothpaste , not toothpaste. It has a pasty consistency and is covered with a metal film.