Customer Agreement

Dear site visitor, please read this agreement carefully before using the services of the online store Doctor Thailand PRO

Agreement on the use of the services of the online store site

This agreement, hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”, is concluded between the Internet store , which has an Internet  address , hereinafter referred to as the “Internet store” or “Site”, and the user of the Internet store services, hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer” , and defines the conditions for the purchase of goods through the Site.

1. Basic provisions

1.1. This Agreement is concluded between the Buyer and the online store at the time of ordering. The Buyer confirms his agreement with the terms established by this Agreement by ticking the box “I agree with the terms of the Agreement” when placing an order.

1.2. This Agreement, as well as information about the product presented on the Site, is a public offer in accordance with Civil Code of the Kingdom of Thailand.

1.3. The provisions of the Civil Code of the Kingdom of Thailand on retail sale and purchase (§ 2 Chapter 30), as well as the Law of the Kingdom of Thailand “On Protection of Consumer Rights” and other legal acts adopted in accordance with with them.

1.4. The buyer can be any natural or legal person who is able to accept and pay for the goods ordered by him in the manner and under the conditions established by this Agreement on the territory of the Kingdom of Thailand.

1.5. The buyer is responsible for the correctness of filling in all points of the order form. In the event of errors or the provision of incomplete information in the fields “Full name” and “Delivery address”, the online store is completely relieved of responsibility for order fulfillment.

1.6. The Site Administration has the right to refuse the Buyer to provide the Services at any time before receiving payment without giving any reason.

1.7. The online store has the right to refuse the Buyer to provide the Services after receiving payment in the event of:

1.7.1. if the goods are not in the Seller’s warehouse within 15 working days from the date of receipt of payment by the online store;

1.7.2. if the online store has doubts about the accuracy of the information provided by the Buyer when filling out the order form, including but not limited to the name of the buyer and the delivery address of the goods.

1.8. In case of refusal to provide services of the Internet store for one of the reasons listed in clause 1.7. of this Agreement, the online store returns the funds received from the Buyer, minus the commission of the Intermediaries used for money transfers.

1.9. Refunds to the Buyer are made by the same method and to the same payment details that were used to pay for the services of the online store.

1.10. The online store reserves the right to amend this Agreement.

1.11. This Agreement shall be considered in the form as it is published on the Site and shall be applied and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand.

1.12. Services are considered fully provided by the Internet store from the moment the goods are transferred to the Buyer by the transport company or at the Thailand Post office.

2. Product information

2.1. The goods are presented on the Site through photo samples, which are the property of the online store.

2.2. Each sample photo is accompanied by text information: article, price and product description.

2.3. At the request of the Buyer, the manager of the online store is obliged to provide (by phone or by e-mail) other information necessary and sufficient, from the point of view of the Buyer, to make a decision on the purchase of goods.

2.4. The price of the goods indicated on the Site can be changed by the Internet store unilaterally.

2.5. In case of a change in the price of the goods ordered by the Buyer, the manager of the online store informs the Buyer about it (by phone or via e-mail) as soon as possible to receive confirmation or cancellation of the order. If it is impossible to contact the Buyer, this order is considered canceled.

2.6. The online store reserves the right to expand and reduce the product offer on the Site, regulate access to the purchase of any goods, and suspend or stop the sale of any goods at its sole discretion.

3. Procedure for purchasing goods

3.1. The buyer has the right to place an order for any product presented on the Site. Each product can be ordered in any quantity.

3.1.1 The buyer independently studies the customs rules and regulations of his country. All questions from the customs office of the recipient country fall on the recipient of the parcel

3.2. The order can be placed by the Buyer independently on the Site. Details of ordering through the Site are described in the “How to order” section.

3.2. After placing the order, an invoice is sent to the Buyer’s e-mail, confirming the acceptance of the order, indicating the names of the selected goods and the total amount of the order, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

3.3. In the absence of goods in the warehouse, the manager of the online store is obliged to notify the Buyer about this by e-mail or by telephone.

3.4. The buyer has the right to make a preliminary order for goods temporarily out of stock by making an advance payment in the manner agreed with the manager of the online store. In case of prepayment of goods, the order is processed only after the prepayment has been made.

3.5. In the absence of a product, the Buyer has the right to replace it with another product or cancel the order.

3.6. The Buyer has the right to refuse the ordered goods at any time before it is sent to the Buyer, notifying the Internet store about this by e-mail in advance.

4. Delivery and acceptance-transfer of goods

4.1. Delivery of goods ordered in the online store, in the agreed quantity and range, is carried out by Thai post and then by post of the recipient country.

4.2. For all shipments, the managers of the online store are required to provide the tracking code of the postal item.

4.3. The ordered goods are dispatched within the terms agreed with the Buyer.

4.4. The term and conditions of delivery of the parcel depends on the work of postal services and customs, and does not depend on the Site of the online store. The postal services are responsible for the time and quality of the indicated services for the delivery of parcels by mail.

5. Payment for goods

5.1. Payment for the goods is made by bank transfers or by bank transfer by credit card or other methods available on the website.

5.2. The goods are paid in Thai Bahts, US Dollars or in another currency at the rate of the payment system.

6. Return of goods

6.1. The online store does not return the goods or exchange them for money if the purchased goods did not suit the Buyer for any reason.

7. Responsibility

7.1. The online store is not responsible for any costs of the Buyer or direct or indirect damage that may be caused to the Buyer as a result of using the services of the online store, caused to the User as a result of using or inability to use the Services and incurred as a result of errors, omissions, interruptions in work, deletion files, changes in functions, packaging defects, delays in work during the transfer of data, etc., which happened through no fault of the online store.

7.2. The online store is not responsible for the actions of related services and services used to provide the Services to the Buyer, but not belonging to the online store, such as banks, transport companies, Internet providers, email services, payment systems, etc.

7.3. The Product Manufacturer is responsible for warranty service and warranty exchange.

7.4. The Buyer agrees not to make the Site a defendant or a co-defendant for any obligations and costs associated with damage caused to the Buyer as a result of the actions of third parties, including but not limited to the online store and transport companies.

8. Obligations of the Buyer

8.1. The Buyer undertakes to independently familiarize himself with the text of this Agreement, check for changes to the Agreement and its annexes.

8.2. The buyer undertakes to provide the online store with all the necessary information in a timely manner to perform the required service and send the order. If there is a lack of the necessary information, the online store reserves the right not to provide service to the Buyer.

8.3. The buyer undertakes to pay the invoices on time. The online store does not provide services to the Buyer if the funds provided by the Buyer are insufficient to provide the Services.

8.4. Save documents confirming payment for the services of the online store.

9. Obligations of the online store

9.1. The online store undertakes to provide the Buyer with the Services and fulfill the requirements of the Buyers related to the Services, if the Buyer’s request does not contradict the rules and restrictions on service set forth in this Agreement.

9.2. Maintain the confidentiality of the Buyer’s data. Data about the Buyer can be provided only in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand.

9.3. Provide the Buyer with the opportunity to receive information on the status of his order.

10. Term of the Agreement, change of conditions and termination of services

10.1. The agreement is valid from the moment it is accepted by the Buyer until the moment he receives the goods.

10.2. The online store has the right to terminate the provision of all Services if the Buyer violates this Agreement.

10.3. If the Buyer provides incorrect information about himself or the Online Store has serious grounds to believe that the information provided by the Buyer is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, the Online Store has the right to suspend or cancel the Buyer’s order and refuse him to use its Services or their individual parts.

10.4. The online store has the right to terminate the provision of the Services if the Buyer causes damage to the online store or third parties by indirect violation of the terms of this Agreement.

10.5. Upon termination of the Services, the online store is not responsible for notifying or not notifying any third parties about the deprivation of the Buyer’s access and for the possible consequences arising from such a warning or its absence.

10.6. Continued use of the Services 10 days after notification of changes to the current terms of the Agreement will be considered as consent to the changes and additions made. In case of disagreement with the change in the terms of the contract, the Buyer must, within the specified period, send a written notice of his disagreement to the e-mail address indicated at the website

d10.7. The online store is not responsible for notifying or not notifying any third parties of the termination of the Agreement and for possible consequences arising from such a warning or its absence.

10.8. The online store has the right to terminate the Agreement without observing the period provided for in clause 10.6, if the Buyer violates his obligations.

11. Settlement of disputes

11.1. The Buyer’s claims are accepted in the form of an e-mail no later than 3 (three) business days from the date of the incident. Claims are considered within 10 (ten) business days.

11.2. In the event of any disputes or disagreements related to the execution of the Agreement, the Parties will make every effort to resolve them through negotiations between the Parties. If disputes are not resolved through negotiations, disputes shall be resolved in the manner established by the legislation of the state of the Kingdom of Thailand. In the event of unresolved claims between the parties, each of them can defend their violated rights in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand.

11.3. In the event that any clause of this Agreement turns out to be not literally enforceable, it is interpreted in accordance with the current Legislation, taking into account the original interests of the Parties, while the remainder of the Agreement continues to operate in full. The established practice of behavior of the parties, or the practice of providing similar services cannot be the reason for changing the provisions of this Agreement.

11.4. For all other issues not provided for in this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand.

12. Other conditions, force majeure

12.1. The online store has the right to change or delete, without warning the Buyers, any information posted on the website  or on other resources belonging to the online store.

12.2. The Buyer has the right to demand that the Internet store solve problems in obtaining the Services, except in cases related to the action of force majeure.

12.3. Relationships arising between the online store and the Buyer in connection with the subject of this Agreement and not regulated by this Agreement are formalized in the form of protocols and / or additional agreements to this Agreement, which become its integral part, provided that a simple written form is observed and their Internet is signed. the store and the Buyer.

12.4. After the acceptance of this Agreement, all previous agreements of the Parties that contradict this Agreement lose their legal force.

12.5. In everything that is not regulated by this Agreement, as well as protocols and / or additional agreements to it, the Parties are guided by the current legislation.

12.6. The Parties are exempt from liability for full or partial failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement, if such failure is the result of force majeure (“force majeure”), that is, extraordinary and unavoidable by the Parties under these conditions circumstances, including riots, prohibitive actions of the authorities , natural disasters, fires, catastrophes and other force majeure circumstances, as well as power outages, global outages in the work of Thailand and international segments of the Internet, failures of routing systems, failures in the distributed domain name system, failures caused by hacker and DOS attacks, the parties are obliged to notify each other in writing or by e-mail (e-mail) about the existence of force majeure circumstances within 7 (seven) days after the moment of their occurrence. If the occurrence of the relevant force majeure circumstances directly affected the fulfillment by the Parties of their obligations within the period specified in this Agreement, this period is proportionately extended for the duration of the relevant circumstances. If the inability of the Parties to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement will last more than 2 (two) months, the Parties have the right to terminate this Agreement without compensation for possible losses. this period shall be proportionately extended for the duration of the relevant circumstances. If the inability of the Parties to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement will last more than 2 (two) months, the Parties have the right to terminate this Agreement without compensation for possible losses. this period shall be proportionately extended for the duration of the relevant circumstances. If the inability of the Parties to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement will last more than 2 (two) months, the Parties have the right to terminate this Agreement without compensation for possible losses.